>>6992372Then fuck off. You can live somewhere, where you don't need to pay taxes. Oh wait, you first need to drop your American citizenship.
I heard there are some great places in Africa, middle East and other War zones where they don't tax you.
Everyone would love to live without being obligated to anyone. But that simply doesn't work out. I won't repeat why, and you could figure it out by yourself.
>>6992412Tbh, my Freedom loving friend, we don't really like any foreigners, and our prejudice is pretty high. We don't discriminate though, especially if you're not a refugee (or refugee-looking).
You're going to face a lot of problem though.
1. Learning German is twice as hard, because Swiss-German can't be compared to High-German.
2. If you start out with a lesser-paid job (may not look lesser-paid, compared to other countries), you're not gonna have much money left at the end of the month. Very high cost of living here.
3. Staying clean. The state is going to be harsh to you when you're not a Swiss citizen. Also depends on how long you're living here already.
4. 12 years for Swiss citizenship; if you're below the age of 20, the years count twice.