[84 / 6 / ?]
How do real Americans feel about Russians? I'll start from afar. I was born in Russia, in Rostov-na-Donu, then moved to Moscow. Now I have to relocate to America for certain reasons, for which I simply can not stay at home. Homeland, which I began to hate(i am not gay). Write on our own board is useless, for this I am writing here. I could not file a political asylum, they refused me. I have a visa and 15000-16000$ on my hands. The cat is moving with me and my mom, so this money for three. We move to Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, because my mother is offered a high-paying job there. But even from this there is one more problem, that this proposal is very vague and unclear, accordingly risky. Next comes the problem with housing and the link to the school, because I still have to finish my studies there before entering college or university. And this also implies a problem. There's kind of like a good BHHS school, but I'm worried about who's studying at this school. The school is decent and in a decent area, because of what there can mostly learn obscenities with overestimated self-esteem, where I will not feel at ease. Moreover, I am 180/90 and will treat me like a blunt rolling, which will also cause inconvenience. And I still have not found out how long it takes to apply to this school. The aero tickets are already taken on June 20 and another month, maybe 2 I will have to work, because $ 16,000 will quickly end. How to find a job? If I do not have a green card for maybe a month. This also implies the problem of obtaining a green card. Although I was told that I will receive it after 2 weeks at best, but then you need to hire a lawyer, you will not have enough money for expensive money, so you will have to look for budget options, which is risky.
Back to the problem with housing. We already have variants, but we can not afford housing more than $ 2500 per month, but to live in a barn in Mexicans is sickening. In addition, we are moving with the animal. With language, too, problems, because in Russia it is taught not in the best way, although I had a grade of 5 on English. This will have to learn the language. In general, if you, anon, do not harbor hatred of fucking migrants, like me, help with advice.
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Fucking google translate
>>700680 half of them like you and and the other half stuck in the cold war era hate you
Russians seems prety neat. But they're communists, and that's not ok.
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>>700695 I think they're cool. I always thought we could work together instead of being enemies.
>>700729 >half of them like you In what sense? Migrants?
>>700741 Far from all the Russian communists. Only the old generation. I do not like communism, like Soviet power, but Lenin is a leader for me, a great man. And why not love communism? Especially at that time, all were just hard workers from the plant and did not dream about more. Everyone is equally good. Now, the special nature of capitalism, you stop loving communism so much.
>>700680 Work in aerospace.
Find an Orthodox Church.
>>701094 for what? Without greencard
>>700680 If you're not a commie, you could get yourself a nice little apartament in Poland for 16k$.
Slavs should stick with slavs.
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>>701152 You don't have a green card?,2500 Bucks per month should get you a nice apartment but Los Angeles is expensive and Beverly Hills is even more expensive?
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>>700680 russia is just a poor looking old country but with strong people and spirit
>>701163 In Poland, I have never been, but they say you are beautiful there. But here about the Slavs ... Today, like everything, we divide more and more.
In your everyday life no one is going to hate you because you're Russian.
>>701547 They'll hate him cause he's a white male
>>701568 50/50. Either college liberal commies hate him because he's a fucking white male. Or they love him because they see him as a soviet comrade.
You can not even imagine what kind of propaganda in Russia is that America is the main source of ills, that America is the enemy of the whole world. And everyone believes that. And here I sit and think. We survived the moranthia, the Second World War, the blockade of Leningrad, repression, Stalin. But we survive Putin? For under Putin, the country, and the whole world did not know such corruption. Only in our country the prime minister can steal from the country 83 billion rubles ~ 14,000,000 dollars and remain unpunished. And when I and another 25,000 people in Moscow alone went to rallies, and another 50,000 people in all other cities of Russia against our power and corruption in it. 1100 people were unjustly detained in Moscow. It's necessary to get out of here. March 26, thanks to Navalny.
>>700680 yчи aнглийcкий бoлбoeб
>>701655 Hy вoт и бyдy в Aмepикe yчить. Tы тyпoй? Я жe пиcaл...
>>701597 Why do Communists hate you so much, but they love Soviet comrades?
>>701655 >бoлбoeб нy чтo ж дoлбoeб
>>701646 theres a shit ton of propaganda on russia on our mass media, i doubt any of it is true, especially since both our governments are nothing like our average people. the russians i met where i live (turns out there are quite a few more than i thought) are pretty awesome though.
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>>701687 Colleges generally have a leftist leaning and for a website like 4chan(which has a large amount of right-wing users) is considered communist-tier.
>>701547 Because they are afraid of Russians or respected?
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>>701687 thats because comradery is a value real americans have, but communism is not.
>>701769 Do you also have propaganda that Russia is bad?
>>700844 >Everyone is equally good. thats never been true in the history of earth
>>700844 America has no place for you, commie bastard.
And why do you start school on August 14? How do they present ready-made grades for 2 semesters?
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>>701812 everyday on cnn and other mass media, they talk about our president conspiring and about how your government is beyond corrupt and is equal to hitler
>>701812 Russia is a boogeyman politicians use to get voters to do what they want. Remember the "Russian hackers!!!"episode recently?
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>>701823 Well, from my mother, who grew up in the USSR, I heard only this, although she also hates Soviet power.
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>>701837 I'm not a communist
>>701673 A пoчeмy имeннo хoчeшь иммигpopвaть в CШA? Heyжeли жизнь тaк yж плoхa в Poccии?
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>>701866 >"Russian hackers!!!" We also laughed this out.
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>>701812 The media doesn't hate Russia itself just it's leadership and there are claims that Putin has influenced elections to get Pro-Russian candidates elected.
>>701849 There are also quarters of which there are 4 every year.
>>701297 OP, if you're still here, we're ethnically uniform nation. We have strong national identity too. Our languages have many similarities too so you'd learn polish quickly. Poles don't like Russia, but they usually like Russians and if you'll respect our rules and culture, people will treat you as their own.
PS Our vodka is better.
>>701895 Я yжe пиcaл, мaтepи пpeдлaгaют пepcпeктивнyю paбoтy, чeгo в Poccии eй дaть нe мoгyт+я caм дaвнo бoльшe cклoнялcя к пepeeздy в Aмepикy, т.к этa cтpaнa мнe пpocтo нpaвитcя. Ho oпять жe, пoвтopюcь, кaк мoжнo жить в нынeшнeй cтpaнe, гдe вceм пpaвит EБAHAЯ БЛЯTЬ цepкoвь и гocyдapcтвo, кoтopoe хyй клaлo нa нapoд и cтapaeтcя oбecпeчить лишь ceбя, гoвopя, чтo BCЁ ИЗ-ЗA AMEPИКИ
>>701925 Now it will grow into a dispute about vodka, neater, brother
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>>700680 i harbor a hatred of migrants and refugees
russians for some reason get their muslims to assimilate, and i for one dont hate russians.
You're welcome here, but please redpill yourself if you do come here. California has enough idiots.
Valdis "Anonymous" Pelsh
Valdis "Anonymous" Pelsh ID:PQj0sQxP Wed 24 May 2017 19:48:19 No. 701997 Report Anonymous
>>701945 Пoнятнo. Уcпeхa тeбe.
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>>701777 It's really not an issue here. Most Americans will probably think you're cool because of your accent more than anything. I wouldn't worry about it. Just don't be a jerk, read up on the language and culture, and you'll do fine.
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>>701997 A controversial statement, although we are a multinational country that "hates" the Nazis, although they themselves are not better. When there is a catastrophe in America, everyone writes "Hurray, death to the pendous damned," as well as about Muslims. In Russia there are very few people who are tolerant. And yes, of course I am an adequate person and I will observe your laws and concepts in a foreign country, and not be assimilated to the same migrants who have moved to Europe and have all fallen for themselves.
(Pendos is an insulting word, meaning an American)
Your accent will get you laid.
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>>702039 ня, cпacибo
>>701997 We talk about
Why I want to emigrate to the US and why I do not know English well.
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>>700680 You will be pretty well liked generally. Probably popular among girls, typically they find foreign accents cute. I haven't met anyone my age (22) who has a negative opinion towards Russians
>>702095 Does he make any impression on the Americans?
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>>701972 Consider Poland Anon. You may find a good home here.
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>>702134 We Americans have a hard on for anything foreign, even slightly so. It doesn't matter if you're Russian, French, or even English with a horrible Cockney accent. Again, most people are very friendly, but don't expect it to be anything but superficial at best.
>>702134 Are you actually moving to Beverly Hills?
You must be pretty rich haha.
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>>702228 Not really. Accommodation is affordable, food is like everywhere else, the school is free.
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You guys seem sorta cool, I love how forested russia is though, so I might have to go there some day
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>>703903 No one will have a problem wiht you. As far as I can tell, most people like Russians just as much s other people. People will like your accent and be interested in hearing about your culture too
Can you tell more about why you need to leave?
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>>700680 >thinking burgers will read all of this Anonymous
What about Russians, OP? How would I be treated if I visited there?
>>703983 Because in this country there are no prospects, because the people are slaves who must obey the authority of King Putin, and if you do not do this, as in my case. I have 2 diplomas from a music school, 3 medals from rowing and a certificate on the completion of a journalism school, but even this will not be enough for me to earn more than $ 1000 in this fucking country. And if you go to rallies, you will not vote for his party of crooks and thieves, then you will be literally an outcast. I was threatened with expulsion from school, put on record, threatened not to release from the country. Fuck this way? You are either a slave or no one, so migration is the only reasonable way out.
>>704756 Just to ask, is there any party you support or favor in your own country?
>>704592 If you learned that you are an American, you would most likely have been beaten. But it depends on where. In the center of the capital would be treated like a man, on the outskirts of Moscow would be beaten, in the rest, less civilized, you would be burned.
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>>704818 We have the party "Apple", and it's not a joke, but it's the most normal of all. And if you choose the president, then of course the Navalny
>>704870 Woah, really? That's shocking.
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>>704981 >>704994 >>705005 What does that say about us if you can come here and be perfectly safe but if we go there we won't? Wow, Americans are so awful XDD
Be honest, how do you feel about communism and Stalin, cause it seems alot of you guys still favor it.
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>>705057 To communism is cold-blooded. If both good and bad moments, but Stalin ... In our country it is generally accepted that he is a hero there, he won the war after all. But no, the soldiers of the Red Army won the war, and he's a fucking tyrant. Perhaps you do not know, but in 1942 he issued a decree that every soldier of the Red Army who was captured by the Nazis becomes a traitor and an enemy of the people. And when those soldiers were already released from the camps, do you know what happened to them? They were sent to Siberia, to the Gulag (google). I'm not even talking about how many people he shot in vain and how many clever people he drove out of the country, so they did not say how bad things really are in the country. During the war, there were special detachments. Their mission was this: Shoot their own, if they decide to retreat. If you are frightened, did not lean out from the shelter, you go to the Штpaфнoй Бaтaльoн (google), it's like cannon fodder. The order was called: "Not a step back." So it goes.
>>704981 >>704994 >>705005 Why do they hate us so much ;_;
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>>705267 Because our government advocates that all our troubles are due to America
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>>700680 half Asian commies with funny sounding language and midget emperor
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I think there's a difference between the older generation and the younger in terms of patriotism. Average Russian is probably pretty cool and less insufferable than their western european counterparts
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>>700741 Nah this guy aint no commie. He wants to move here so I'm pretty sure this guys a freedom lovin mother fucker like good ol George goddamn Washington
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>>700680 Why not in Finland? We have vodka.
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>>701837 Hey you dumb son of a bitch the boy said he aint no commie. Let em move here and learn what real freedom feels like
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Fuck me, I thought this guy was laying down a decent fresh prince pasta> mfw
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You need new leader.