>>7029038White nationalists have nothing to do with the NWO, ZOG, big gae or anything else for that matter.
White nationalism is now synonymous with Jewish hate and racially charged agendas backing genocide. The notion that white nationalism is somehow rooted in national socialism thus making their Hebrew hate justified is destructive.
National socialism was hijacked by racists to push the agenda of white superiority instead of national pride. In a way you could see it as a splintering between the two ideals much like Christianity and Catholicism.
National socialism was meant for every country, every people and every culture to unite the people of that country to do better for each other.
White nationalism wants to whine about white genocide which is nothing more than natural selection at work which their foundation in Nazism conflicts with because Nazism "is the rigorous unabashed application of science. Just like how you can breed better and worse dogs so too with humans" (glr) and natural selection states that those who don't adapt will slowly die out.
The idea that white nationalists would become synonymous with Nazism and other anti Jewish organizations is laughable.
There's no such thing as white nationalism they're all just a bunch of babies