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ID:NDO0qYRI No.7041720 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Be me in my childhood
>Dad loses Job because he was ill for a quite long time
>Mom gets a side job at gas station
>She got the job by her friend
>Dad drives her to the gas station almost every day
>Suddenly my parents start fighting all the time
>Dad starts drinking
>Becomes an alcoholic
>I get like everything I want on my birthday and Christmas, even though my father is jobless
>Be in my room gaming all day long while parents are fighting
>Sometimes I hear things like "Yeah tell anon, TELL HIM!"
>I have my video games so whatever
>Mom buys a pretty expensive car
>Okay that's a pretty well paid job for a gas station
>Parents seperate from each other when I'm 17 and get new partners
>Fast forward to last year
>wanna visit my mom
>she lives like 30 Minutes from me with a car
>she picks me up
>we have a conversation
>start talking about the alcoholism of my father
>"When you're adult I'll tell you what was going on" she said
>look at her
>"I'm 21 mom."
>She takes a breath
>That gas station job wasn't a gas station job anon
>I was a whore
>mfw all my consoles and video games were paid by guys fucking my mom
>mfw I'm literally a son of a bitch

Oh yeah her friend also shit in the mouths of guys for extra cash