>>7064314You must be agreeing with me then. You are openly contradicting the Bible that God cannot be entirely known and understood, as such you are acknowledging that the Bible is a flawed attempt to understand the full truth. If you think otherwise it's fully possible that you projected your experience with God onto the faith you grew up with. All anyone is ever capable of saying from these experiences (which I've read multiple of) is essentially that god is full of love. I believe and accept that. But that doesn't mean you have taken all the truth of God back with you in a way that you're able to fully articulate and understand. Therefore you may know the impression and feeling of God, but not ultimate truth. Still a unique and enviable experience to have had, but you cannot claim to know divine truth in it's entirety.
I'm gonna go into a bit more potentially wacky area here, but you should read through the archives of discussions involving DMT. I fully believe that this being of light you experienced is real and the ultimate power of the universe, and many people say similar things from their experiences. I would also say that while it ia the ultimate and highest power that there are still a number of lower level entities that interact with us and affect our realities. A number of people stated that invoking this power of pure light always had the power of dispelling malicious entities that attempted to drain emotions from them. From what they have said it sounds as if most of these entities feed off our emotions, positive and negative. It seems to me there is a higher metaphysical level of reality that we are simply incapable of perceiving and understanding in our normal reality. You'll probably get more and better details from.your own research into this though.