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ID:3FX47sAB No.7084349 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Devs say that this game will have a very realistic setting and lore

There's a continent in the corner of the map that inexplicably all has the most dangerous animals

"no monthly fee"
game is fucking loaded with microtransactions, its pay 2 win bullshit, fucking ignore this game. The PvP rules are super vague.

"you can talk to anyone"
You just end up having repetitive conversations with the same few npc's
Oh and the writing is terrible Not to mention that the setting is unrealistic as fuck.

>Leveling takes forever.
>too many overpowered factions that are impossible to join.
>Longest tutorial ever.

I like how the devs put a lot of effort into the Europe and Africa regions, but you can tell they rushed the North America region out the door to meet the release date.

I mean, three countries? Not one of those islands up north revolted and declared independence from Canada? The United States region isn't even contiguous. That's completely retarded.

>Playing Outside
>Want to be Explorer class
>All of land has been explored
>Underwater has been bugged for centuries
>Space hasn't been released yet
I can't believe people would play a game with unbalanced classes

The country naming is pretty lazy too.

>South Africa
>Republic of Congo
>Democratic Republic of Congo
>New Zealand
>There's no Old Zealand
>That area where every country ends in -stan

>no perks
>no martyrdom
>no killcams
>no quickscoping
>no drop killing
>only 1 life
>no facial customisation (unless you want to use millions of credits)
>some classes are easy mode (woman)
>some classes are impossible mode (white, educated, respectable man)
>no DLC packs

>In-game lore says that animals "evolve" over time to become more powerful
>In-game lore also says that there used to be giant monsters, but that they all died

fucking pokemon ripoff bullshit. Did they even proofread this shit?