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Turns out I got betrayed by a so called best friend

ID:2yL9F17y No.7085477 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let me tell you how this story begins
>Always been bad with girls, and people in general, have huge problems fitting in social groups
>Still try to make friends, sometimes works, sometimes not, only had a gf once because she was easy and basic as fuck.
>Had this one friend I used to get high with, let's name him Chris
>Chris was always a player, never wanted to learn from him because I didn't want to become like him
>Still best friend, knew each other since highschool, played basketball together and stuff
>Met an actually shy, 2/10 girl, with no friends at an anime con, let's name her Maria
>she was visibly sad sitting alone
>walk up to her and try to talk.
>tells me she'd sad because of trouble at her house, (she was like 19, so she still lived with her parents) low self steem, and so on.
>we become friends via autistic memes like loss, shadman, and whatever you can think of.
>After a few weeks of talking with me, she worked up some confidence, she made some other friends herself
>here comes the girl I fell in love then, let's name her Susan
>Susan and I get along very well, looks like she had a crush on me
>Maria told us she had a boyfriend, neither of us believed her but it was sort of green light means go thing
>I start going out with Susan
>Turns out she's never had a boyfriend before
>I'm feeling in fucking heaven
>One day, I invite her to play some vidya at my house
>She said yes
>Didn't intend to do anything sexual or anything, not even a kiss, literally just wanted to bond together
>We encounter Chris in our way
>TWe greet each other, they meet, and not much happens after that
>we spent the afternoon playing videogames.