[13 / 5 / ?]
God, fuck you. Fuck you all. Get the fuck out of my fucking board, Reddit, /bant/ newfags, /r9k/, /pol/, Facebook, low effort shit-posters who have no idea what this community is, faggot gay posters and fucking frog posters all need to leave - /int/ needs to leave. Don’t get me wrong, I am not complaining about the actual posters from /bant/ so don’t pull a ‘complaining won’t do anything’ on me, I am complaining about the faggots not from /bant/ invading this fucking board because no amount of community projects and activism can make things better. Here is another thing about meta posting, for /bant/ to get better it had to be a community effort as I can’t do fucking shit with 3 threads (6 threads on data) so communication is needed to make this place better. All you fucking non-/bant/ fags need to kys and get OUT, you are making this board worse then it was in the first few moments of day one - remember that?