[6 / 1 / ?]
>be me
>always wanted to be a doctor
>spent 4 years in pre med
>another 4 years in med school
>then 6 years for residency
>200k in dept because student loans
>get job at hospital
>first patient
>had a carcrash, very tricky operation
>saved the guys live but had to amputate his leg
>get sued
>get fired
>mfw american
>always wanted to be a doctor
>spent 4 years in pre med
>another 4 years in med school
>then 6 years for residency
>200k in dept because student loans
>get job at hospital
>first patient
>had a carcrash, very tricky operation
>saved the guys live but had to amputate his leg
>get sued
>get fired
>mfw american