>>71214121- i saw myself jumping over a basketball wile the ball also jumps (on rithm).
2- i saw mysef kicking a basketball on the wall wile doing martial arts tricks (on rithm).
3- i saw myself playing with 2 magnum guns.
4- i saw myself playing with a long stick.
5- wile 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to 5 there was a backgroud video of a bunch people saying if you don't like this kid you are our enemy and also i spoke some words.
6- i was on a videoclip likely and there was death as a cold sugar skull women on my back and in the senario i was grafiting a gun with a industry mark shape (a puma with nike as triger) like publicity and the gun was shooting a liquid rainbow with something i forgot..
all this happened in seconds.. my mind is this everyday crazy shit day and night :(