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What's up with dumb cunts in society constantly using the term "literally" when 99% of the time it's in a metaphorical context. No exception on here either. You can "literally" find examples of this in almost every thread. Do people use this term to try and lend credibility to their argument by adding a "big word"? Or is "literally" the new "like", just a mindless filler expression? Recently I sat next to two Canadian women on a flight, and "literally" literally came out of their mouths multiple times any time either of them strung together enough verbal diarrhea to continue their conversation. It must have been said 1000 times in two hours, and I guarantee figuratively would have been the accurate term to describe whatever bullshit they were paddling on about in virtually every instance.
>tl;dr stop saying / writing literally every five seconds if you don't wish to appear like a vapid, immature teenage girl. Whatever you're saying / writing is immediately and correctly disregarded as garbage as soon as that term is presented in the incorrect context. Even if used in the correct context, it is most often unnecessary in making your point, and only serves as useless filler, which makes you look like an emotional fuckwit trying too hard to sound intelligent
>tl;dr stop saying / writing literally every five seconds if you don't wish to appear like a vapid, immature teenage girl. Whatever you're saying / writing is immediately and correctly disregarded as garbage as soon as that term is presented in the incorrect context. Even if used in the correct context, it is most often unnecessary in making your point, and only serves as useless filler, which makes you look like an emotional fuckwit trying too hard to sound intelligent