Cirno is practically what's keeping this board alive at this point. If posters like
>>7201493 can't stand the frequency in which Cirno is posted and sucked off to, they're going to leave entirely in the event that Cirno is displaced by frogs and they see the frequency in which /r9k/ likes to absolutely baste their boards in green.
Think 11 cirnos are bad? Try 40 frogs, every day, and the moment one thread 404s it's replaced by a new one that ignores your filter. The type of board that /r9k/ wants to turn /bant/ into is incompatible both with cirno as well as people who hate repetitive spam.
>>7204132I think a few /bant/ mainers are supporting /r9k/ out of the misguided idea that /r9k/ will JUST help them remove cirno and then fuck off afterward to let them do what they like. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and all that. They don't realize the truth depths of autism of their "frens".
Those that hate Cirno but don't want to hand our board over to a cult of gays, furries, and other degenerates should post OTHER /bant/ OC. All the memes you see in pic related, or maybe even something new. Otherwise, you're as much a part of the problem as they are in sending /bant/ towards a spiral of stagnancy.