>>7204075>Civil war>CivilFrogposters come from /r9k/, idiot. It's an invasion by crossborders.
When people complain about frogshitters, they don't mean ironic memeposters like you or Shitally, they mean those retards that come to /bant/ to start a
>be me>shit pants>people laugh>tfw>*sadfrog.png*or similar shitty blog thread on the board ad-infinitum without ever listening to any of the input other users give them, implying they're only making the thread to begin with for (you)s.
Other candidates include unironic Kekistan fags that dress in frog suits in public and spew walls of cringe to justify their autistic behavior, and ironic shitposters that collect and dump his image for quick (you)s like the "fuck jannies and fuck niggers" idiots and frenposters.
What all these people have in common is that they don't fucking exist on boards that ban Pepe, like /a/, and the resulting increase of quality is dramatic.