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[37 / 19 / ?]

/AOI/ Aimless Online Indignation (directed at yours truly by yours truly)

!Aoifagv2mM ID:7ny3+w5U No.7206769 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'd like to thank the anon who made me aware of the existence of the "Jäger bomb" last thread it tastes pretty gud
I don't even know why I make these threads
I think it might be a vicious cycle of "I have the opportunity to buy booze, might as well take advantage e of it" -> "I already bought it might as well drink it" -> "I'm drunk. might as well make one of these threads"
feel free to come in here and mock me or whatever so i can feel sorry for myself or get whatever i want out of these threads, I#m not really sure myself
also why does the no-srcipt captcha require me to copy paste some gibberish?