BRB gonna go sleep for seven hours.
>>7213429>Religions are for mental illness fucktards.>t. you IRL>Global Rule #13Meh, fair enough I guess but plenty of other people here do that. I've been thinking about just using a name for this board till I decide to kill it. Hows this?
>>7213294>>7213438Dumb tranny poster, anyway to answer your question yes you should just keep your peepee since the surgeries will render your sexual organ into a puss and hair filled hole that will constantly be infected and need dilatation, not to mention you'll have to constantly take pain killers just to get by every day which will weaken your heart and cause you several other problems that will prevent you from living a healthy life style assuming you exercise which you should also because it will help you get a big butt and thick thighs.
Anyway I don't actually have a problem with trannies as it's better than them trying to be '''men''' who marry and spread their mental illnesses. Just don't go full Sweden and indoctrinate little boys at the age of 6 to change their sex because it's '''progessive''', sixteen in my opinion should be the age in which someone would be allowed to change their sex legally and consume hormones.