>>7212198lol. I'm not offended i just find it funny.
>>7212215>sleep tight my man then.>I'm trying to! Slowly but surely getting back motivation to do stuff.Good to hear, I know you can do it.
>I aspire to get to bloomer level someday I reached it in less then a year. First three things you have to do are,
A. try and cut sodas/coffee/other unhealthy drunks and replace them with water. You'll get used to water quickly and you'll fell way less thirsty.
B. get a good sleep schedule. For me what i did was set my alarm for the desired time and went to bed at like 9. with in a week i felt amazing and energized through out the week and now i can get through days without dying from being sleepy.
C. Figure out what is really important. Like work, once i really started focusing on work i have been way less stressed because i deal with the problems when i am given them instead of waiting.
>>7212237You want to hear a Texan say "Howdy"