[8 / 2 / ?]
>Be me.
>Sitting in community college math, with a 250-300+ lb autistic sitting behind me.
> Autistic begins to hiss in a demonic way, while pushing my desk foreword.
> I brace my feet under desk legs, to stop myself from sliding.
> Autistic puts feet up on desk and farts loudly; yet nobody else in the class even seems phased.
> The tard gets up from the desk, and gallops around the room, with his arms straight out behind him, making airplane noises
> Floor is shaking
> This is absolutely the funniest thing I have ever seen, and yet no one else seems to pay any attention
> I am stifling a laughter as a giant autistic gallops around the front of the classroom, while everyone else in the class pretends to ignore the clown in the room
> Feel like an ass for being the only one to find this funny
> Routine repeats over and over; tard farts, puts feet on desk, and gallops around the room, while I stifle laughter.
> Eventually I am forced to drop out, as all of my attention is being paid toward the giant autistic, and not trigonometry.
>Sitting in community college math, with a 250-300+ lb autistic sitting behind me.
> Autistic begins to hiss in a demonic way, while pushing my desk foreword.
> I brace my feet under desk legs, to stop myself from sliding.
> Autistic puts feet up on desk and farts loudly; yet nobody else in the class even seems phased.
> The tard gets up from the desk, and gallops around the room, with his arms straight out behind him, making airplane noises
> Floor is shaking
> This is absolutely the funniest thing I have ever seen, and yet no one else seems to pay any attention
> I am stifling a laughter as a giant autistic gallops around the front of the classroom, while everyone else in the class pretends to ignore the clown in the room
> Feel like an ass for being the only one to find this funny
> Routine repeats over and over; tard farts, puts feet on desk, and gallops around the room, while I stifle laughter.
> Eventually I am forced to drop out, as all of my attention is being paid toward the giant autistic, and not trigonometry.