[5 / 1 / ?]
>be me
>be from andromeda
>send signal to some outback planet in milkyway
>we are coming in peace and stuff
>travel to earth
>hack into tv network
>look at brodcast from some random city
>everyone is celebrating our iminent arrival
>ascend into atmosphere
>countdown on tv begins
>countdown hits 0
>1mile above sealevel
>see rockets coming towards us
>ship explodes
>look at tv
>mfw everyone is happy when ship turns into dust
>mfw i thought humans were chill
>be from andromeda
>send signal to some outback planet in milkyway
>we are coming in peace and stuff
>travel to earth
>hack into tv network
>look at brodcast from some random city
>everyone is celebrating our iminent arrival
>ascend into atmosphere
>countdown on tv begins
>countdown hits 0
>1mile above sealevel
>see rockets coming towards us
>ship explodes
>look at tv
>mfw everyone is happy when ship turns into dust
>mfw i thought humans were chill