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Anyone else like to catfish pedos?

!!ttPIacS6DZa ID:gYM6BJZY No.7266203 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey nibbas
Recently I have been having a really fucking good time catfishing pedos
My steps
1. Pretend to be a 16 year old girl
2. Say daddy (a lot)
3. Convince them to fuck
4.Get them to by me groceries (Including a fuck ton of raw turkey, chicken, crab, shrimp, ect) (Make sure they pick up expencive alcohol)
5. Have them drive to a lake or some shit
6. Have them turn the heat up in there car all the way cause its chilly
7. Have them walk around the lake trying to find me (Make sure they leave the car on)
8. Call the cops
Now they are fucked and their car is fucked
Whats ur guys option on dis?
Anything I should make them do?
Should I post the chats for ur enjoyment???