>>728591>Why can't I reproduce without having most of my higher brain functions shut down?Good question, why can't you?
>Why can't I just turn off pain when I feel it?Because it's there to keep you from dying without noticing why, you can override it on a higher protocol layer though and block it out with enough practice and focus.
>Why do I have to piss right after cumming?Because you didn't piss before you started? I don't fucking know, maybe you should see a doctor?
>Why am I allergic to X, Y, and Z?Genetic copy errors, immune system overworked, or environmental overexposure to X Y and Z.
>Why does the common cold and pollen make me sneeze?So you get the sickness out of you, and so your nostrils don't get clogged and infested with pollen. Do you want trees growing out of your nose, faggot?
>Why can't I just choose not to throw up/turn off my gag reflex?Because it's there to keep you from fucking dying, retard.
>Why can't I stop growing hair on my face/body/armpit/limbs so I don't have to shave?Because it's there to keep you warm and clean, faggot.
>Why can't I just not be attracted to women anymore so my judgement isn't clouded by them?Because your judgement is already clouded if reproduction isn't part of your plans.
Also because God hates fags :^)
>Why can't I choose to cry or water my eyes at will?Because you're retarded I guess? Maybe you've never experienced any actual misfortune if you can't cry on command? I dunno.
Why am I surrounded by retards?
That's my question.