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How degenerate is drinking alcohol?

No.728884 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why is drinking alcohol so popular?

I understand drinking beer and wine, because those can actually taste decent, but hard liquor is fucking trash and mostly tastes like shit.

If I want to get drunk, I can drink a cheap bottle of $5-10 wine, and it will taste far superior to any hard liquor I can get. Sure if I buy a $20 bottle of Vodka or something I could probably get drunk 3-4 times with the hard liquor while the bottle of wine will only get me drunk once, it still tastes like shit.

The only decent hard liquor I've had is Jack Daniels and even that will make me puke if I have enough of it. Wine and beer never makes me puke, because it doesn't taste like shit.

I literally just bought some Absolut Vodka, one of the better brands, and it tastes even worse than I remember. It's like drinking fucking rubbing alcohol.