[28 / 11 / ?]
Story time, faggots. I'm a dipshit.
>be me
>furfag, 21 years old, somewhat of a loner, skinny af
>met a 'merican furry online seven years ago, became friends a year later
>have occasional fights but all is good
>fast-forward six years
>last Wednesday
>be talking to fur bro on Discord
>ramble about him not wanting to do foot fetish roleplays anymore
>heated argument ensues
>fur bro blocks my ass
>further autism takes over
>message him on every other website we're on
>my dumb ass thinks he'll accept my apologies
>he's had enough of my shit
>blocked again, but everywhere
>talk to mutual friend
>"Sorry, anon. Fur bro feels violated by your lack of restraint. You shoud've waited until he unblocked you."
>cry myself to sleep for the last three days
>friend thinks my chances at reconciliation with fur bro are minimal
>return to college from break tomorrow
>would rather kill myself instead
Now I'm all alone because I couldn't control my degeneracy and I have no real friends.
Life is shit. Anybody with similar experiences?
>be me
>furfag, 21 years old, somewhat of a loner, skinny af
>met a 'merican furry online seven years ago, became friends a year later
>have occasional fights but all is good
>fast-forward six years
>last Wednesday
>be talking to fur bro on Discord
>ramble about him not wanting to do foot fetish roleplays anymore
>heated argument ensues
>fur bro blocks my ass
>further autism takes over
>message him on every other website we're on
>my dumb ass thinks he'll accept my apologies
>he's had enough of my shit
>blocked again, but everywhere
>talk to mutual friend
>"Sorry, anon. Fur bro feels violated by your lack of restraint. You shoud've waited until he unblocked you."
>cry myself to sleep for the last three days
>friend thinks my chances at reconciliation with fur bro are minimal
>return to college from break tomorrow
>would rather kill myself instead
Now I'm all alone because I couldn't control my degeneracy and I have no real friends.
Life is shit. Anybody with similar experiences?