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No.7323210 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why did you have to red pill me about women and Jews, /pol/? I can't stop thinking about how they are ruining society. At one point in my life I'd look at women wearing booty shorts and yoga pants and I'd just stare.

Now all I feel is disgust and shame for my country.

Tattoos? Degenerate. Piercings? Degenerate. Niggers? Savages. Women? Whores? Spics? Gang members. Muslims? Terrorists. Liberals? Demons.

Jews? The worst of them all.

I've started to isolate myself from all my liberal friends. I've thrown out all my rap music and started listening to Christian music. It's relaxing and gives me a feeling of peace, a peace I no longer know normally knowing that Jewish reptillian kikes are plotting the destruction of the human race.

Five years ago I was a pot smoking degenerate who wanted all races to get along through marijuana.

Now I pray that the degenerates and the dirty kikes feel nothing but pain and agony when the day of the rope comes.

What have you done to me?

This post is 100% serious.