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10KiB, 236x202, 120bfc50bd32572fad3ddf1a52a7133d--coffee-break-coffee-time.jpg
Shelby from NY
Shelby from NY is apparantly a femanon from NY. 'She' tends to frequent Happy Day, music, and fallout related threads. It will make threads at midnight because 'she's' drunk and attempts to hit on the guys who listen to her.
>Is sad inside
She likes David Bowie, it'll get in her panties quick
Fairly accurate
Shelby from NY is apparantly a femanon from NY. 'She' tends to frequent Happy Day, music, and fallout related threads. It will make threads at midnight because 'she's' drunk and attempts to hit on the guys who listen to her.
>Is sad inside
She likes David Bowie, it'll get in her panties quick
Fairly accurate