>>7338930Toxic masculinity is the elements of masculinity (primarily in western siciety that) lead to increased agression and decreased emotional Expression. A lot of social interactions teaches men to repress their emotions and only express anger. Which leads to increased crime amongst men.
Typically they include
Greed and,
Violent domination.
Toxic masculinity is said to increased the rate of Bullying and domestic violence
Men that follow traditional masculine cultural norms like risk taking , violence, dominance , putting work above family, need for emotional control, desire to win, and pursuit of social status , are more likely to suffer from : depression, stress, body image issues (body building especially feeds on and reenforces this), substance abuse, and poor social functioning.
It has been shown that in self reliance and the stifling of emotional expression work against mental health because they make it less likely to seek help and deal with complex emotions.
The term was coined by a men's rigths movement called "the mythopoetic men's movement" in the 1990s who thought that the social pressures being placed on men to be competitive , violent , independent , and unfeeling as toxic. As apposed to the more positive parts of masculinity which they considered "real " or "deep"
The term has also been adopted by feminists and sociologists .
Some feminists argue that toxic masculinity leads to the the opression of both women and men. Which is damaging to society.