[11 / 7 / ?]
Hello, I am the interstellar voice of the known universe and foresee a future za is very goncerning. I may not reveel my voice, or my identity, but make it known zat all of the cryptos, physicall currencies, and everythsing will be useless. Your scientist and political leaderss will be reeching the bogdan equinox, at zis time you vill all be under za rath of za bogdan laws of quantum pheesics, we own CERN, we own all NATO bases. Once za bogdan equinox will be reeched, all blackzites including deecomissioned radio stationz will all be active and broadcasting calculationsz across the world. So wizout further adieu we weel be commenzing zis operation providing za failsafe weel not be executed. Zere is no use trying to resist us as wee will have all of za infromation form 23 and Me, Ancestry, TellMeGen, My Heritage, Family Tree DNA and Genome. At ze current state of ze spits toobs that you have used have infected you with nanomachines that use your bodies to mind za new quantum coins, by within za next 24 hours we will have acess to over 3 billion (biological machines) that will be producing our quantum coins. Mosquitos will all be replaces wizth nano parasites zat will affect all of those niggers who have no access to za internet. I am telling all of you zis because there is no use fighting, no need to panic, no need to suffer, you will all live forever, free will does not exist, do not search for it, do not morn, your family will be safe, your home will be safe, your funds are safe.
We swear.
We swear.