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ID:9TdXnOw4 No.7370622 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Alright, proper speak. This imageboard is a bus stuck on a roundabout rotating between being somewhat trash and being utter trash, and honestly, all these retarded posters with their chinese cartoons are at fault for allowing this place to become a sickening bumpcult, namefagging avatarfags, and saline g*rmans who patrol the board like guard dogs.

Thanks to these posters, decent anons like that Manx guy will probably never return. I'm fine with the occasional shitpost, however, the juvenile way you all act and having no temperance has resulted in destroying /bant/ for anons here right now and anons to come.

I considered telling you to either get it together or get lost, but it's useless, 4chan in itself is a safe space for the immature and I realize all of you will simply redouble your efforts in behaving like cancer once you've read this.

I just needed to get this off my chest, so having done that, I don't care anymore.