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ID:d0OUYHHV No.7452479 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are your autist-stories, /bant/?

>be me, 15, just started 10th grade
>kissless virgin
>super nerdy, lowkey on the spectrum but dad doesnt wanna admit it by testing me
>meet 10/10 qt on church camp
>bscly falls in love instantly
>she's in my parallel class, never talked
>one day meet on bus
>qt and friends go to dancing right near where I live
>join them one day
>start dancing now
>qt asks me to become socialist
>I agree
>faintly hear my dad whispers how retarded I am into my ear

>ffw a few weeks
>qt and friends and me are in one of their houses, watching scary movie
>they sit in coach, lots more room
>me, an intellectual, sit in a chair
>qt asks me to sit next to her
>qt confused, no reply
>keeps sitting several meters apart
>three months later I found out she was trying to get me to sit there so she could kiss me