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No.7472066 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
As someone circumcized at 20, in a procedure unrelated to phimosis I can absolutely say that the difference between an intact foreskin and a circumcized penis is massive.

After two years keratinization has taken place and it legit depresses me to now touch my glans, all it feels like is a dead piece of meat. I'll try to get into foreskin restoration soon.

Orgasms still feels great, but the pleasure of an uncircumcized glans pushing inside a girl is the greatest pleasure that exists. The loss of sensitivity is massive.
Using lube to masturbate is all over american media, but people would consider you a weirdo if you did that in europe. Anyone who defends circumcision without a medical cause is a lunatic.

If you were circumcized at birth you are like a blind man that has never seen light, be glad that you don't know the difference.