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[10 / 1 / ?]

No.7473760 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What the fuck are you doing browsing 4chan you dumb niggers. You all know the truth now so do something about it; Get in the fucking Gym. Get a fucking job. Start teaching yourself, bettering yourself in anyway possible instead browsing this feedback loop of cuck depression. Stop jerking off, stop watching porn, stop letting them control you. Don't get caught up in the traps that are made for the spics, niggers, and mongrels. Take pride in who you are and where you come from. We come from people who have endured hardships by nature, breaking the conditioning will be the hardest thing you've ever done but trust me my friends it's well worth it. We are going to need everyone we can get in the near future so make sure you are the best possible version of yourself when that time comes.

Rules of SIG
1-Quit Masturbating
2-Cold Showers
3-Hit Gym
4-Only Healthy food/drinks
5-Daily read
6-Daily meditation
7-Daily Social interactions
8-Become the best of your class/job( study every day if necessary)
9-Make Sig post and pics about self improve
10-Never tell this to a normie a subhumans!
Only we have the greatest blood, and the power to archive the most ambitious projects