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Asian women are the true redpi.....

No.7478285 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You lads constantly claim that white woman is rubbish and bla bla bla. Once I made a thread exposing asian culture and subhuman habits that they have and the (((mods))) shut down. But here I go again.
Asian women is poison. I know that some whites are whores and bla bla bla, but asians are way worst 90% of the couples (white man/asian woman) still married for money, asian women see white men as a giant ATM machines.
Asian women are bad mothers,Tthey can't take a care of a baby properly, Their kids grow up alone and free, They can't even handle a baby properly. This is why kids die a lot in asia.
Asian women are bad housewives, they don't know how to cook, they don't know how to wash a dish. Why do you need a useless women in your house?
Is 10x to asian women to chea! Asian women are programmed in their extremely capitalistic (dog eat dog) countries (Shitholes) to follow the money trail. If they meet a new one, who can afford her bills and have more money than you. It's 100% of chance that she will left you.
Asian women when in the west fucks a lot with blacks, there is a tons of homemade interracial porn with asians and niggers, following the logic that they are minority in the west, The only conclusion that I got is that they fuck a lot more with niggers than white women.
I'm not denying the fact that some women are poisonous, but who allowed this? who is behind this? Mixing with asians will only make the problem worst and worst.
Get out of your basement redpill your ladies and make some white babies!