>>7493844>never read the manga, only watched the animes back in the /bant/ anime stream days.I honestly miss those streams and a lot of what /bant had then. it was an innocent time. I do highly recommend the manga, the anime does it no glory for delivering its message, in my opinion.
>what certificates are you looking to get?I feel i want to go back to airflow systems, however, returning to that line of work means hopping hotels, and that was exhausting the last two years.
>>7493881>welcome back!thankyou, at first i felt suiseiseki was not longer a welcomed entity around here, along with rozenfags in general. it has been a while since the last visit. Not sure if any of those personalities will visit, or if they are even still around.
>>7495074>Trying to starve them of their attention so they leave hasn’t gone too smoothly but, hey, anons will be anons.one of the many obstacles about random boards, this board captures my interest due to the little to no involvement on moderation here, which is truly an international thing within other chans and is common unlike the western end of imageboards. Community moderated boards, are a rarity.
>/comfy/ subculture is still totally eradicatedI real shame, I have seen a few of some familiar names on other chans, and are new namefag/friends here, not sure if any of those names the took refuge elsewhere are still around.
>but at least people don’t shitpost in the occasional sacred thread.those are boundaries made through mutual respect and understanding, there will always be some anons that are willing to destroy something good, and there are others willing to be a barrier for said understanding. all in the dirty beauty of random boards.
>How have you been anon?fatigued as usual, however been trying to beat the usual тocкa, as a friend once explained to me. things however have improved since the new year. and plan to keep that pace going.