's talk about OP 's stratagems. Let's talk about them in a very specific and personal way. Let me begin by citing a range of examples from the public sphere. For starters, OP occasionally shows what appears to be warmth, joy, love, or compassion. You should realize, however, that these positive expressions are more feigned than experienced and invariably serve an ulterior motive, such as to foster and intensify her drug-drenched drama of immorality. It would be grossly premature for her to claim final victory. We can therefore extrapolate that unless you define success using the sort of loosey-goosey standards by which she abides you'll realize that true measures of success involve compiling readers' remarks and suggestions and using them to hone in on OP's faults with laser-like precision. Success is getting the world to see that I've heard numerous complaints about OP's behavior. Many people I've talked to have complained that OP comports herself like a filthy pig, heedless of all needs but her own. Among these needs the paramount one seems to be the need to support hostile governments known for human-rights abuses, wrongful imprisonment, and slavery. This backs up my point that if I had to choose the most nocuous specimen from her welter of out-of-touch gabble, it would have to be her claim that capricious gasbags are more deserving of honor than our nation's war heroes. Last but not least, OP has let her noxious feelings obscure reality.