>>7517210What "Nordic Socialism"? There are no socialist countries in the world, except for maybe North Korea and Cuba. Capitalism and Socialism are not an economic scale. "More government=more socialism" is a horrible meme that needs to die. Socialism abandons markets. In fact, the definition of socialism is "Worker's/common ownership of the means of production". If that isn't the case, the country isn't socialist. Every Western European country, including the Nordic Countries, have market economies. Even in Norway, 70% of the economy belongs to the private sector. Whether the tax rate is high or low have no impact on whether the country is capitalist or socialist. Having a welfare state does not make the economy socialist. Yes, socialism has played an important role, especially in the Nordic Countries. We have had socialist government, and we have strong labour unions. However, that does not make the country socialist. Again, this is not a scale. A country does not become more socialist just because it increases it's taxes. The Norwegian government owns around 30% of the economy, but that is mainly through shares in private companies. In fact, there are not that many fully state-owned enterprises in Norway, and most of them almost function like normal companies, with the goal of making profits. My point is, stop using socialism as a scare word when you're talking about something that isn't socialist. If he was talking about the Soviet Union or North Korea, it would sort of be justified to blame socialism. If you're against "big government", fine, but stop calling it socialism.