Not only have I fucked several black women, I have fucked white babies into two different actual african jungle monkeys with fat asses and big, wobbly, milky teats.
On both occasions, I straight up told them moments after meeting them that I wanted to get them pregnant. They loved the idea of having a white baby (skin color is everything in Africa. The lighter shade of nigger you are, the better off you are).
I sent them to the ob-gyn to establish their obvulation schedule, and then we did nothing but fuck, eat, and watch movies for about four days while they were fertile. They got pregnant instantly, and I heard about it only a couple months later, as soon as they confirmed it. I had already left Nairobi by then, but they were quite happy to be pregnant with a white mans baby, even if he wasn't going to be around to support them.
Those are not the only niggers I have inseminated. I only fuck sheboons bareback, and try to determine when they are going to be fertile based on tracking their periods. So, each nigger I want to impregnant goes through a period of courthship and surveillance as I woo her, while simultaneously timing things so that when we finally fuck raw, it's when she is ready to bear my children, whether she realizes it or not. Most niggers are too stupid to know about their fertility cycle.
They also murder their unborn children instantly and without remorse. I have knocked up several american niggers over the years, but only one of them actually carried my child to term (and then tried to find me and sue me for child support, but I know what Im doing so she failed). The others told me they got pregnant and aborted it. Disappointing.
My next trip to Kenya is next year, and I already have several women lined up on dating websites, who are interested in white men.
If I can't legally mass murder them, then I sure as fuck am going to colonize them.