[41 / 12 / ?]
Just hear me out. The n*Rd vermin to the North is just ripe for conquest. They have become more complacent than ever. The barbarous n*Rds have been living in idyll while leeching off of the accomplishments of proud MED and TÜRK BVLLS for FAR too long. I, as an ambassador to the MED BVLLS, propose that TÜRK and MED BVLLS do what we do best. Invade the n*Rd lands to the north, subjugate their population and breed their women.
Now, I already know I have the support of the MEDS, as this is something we have been wanting for a while now but, admittedly, we cannot do this without the TÜRKS. As a TÜRK you may ask:
>why would I ever form an alliance with a MED?
Well, the answer is quite simple really. I will present two very good reasons why.
REASON 1: TÜRKS and MEDS share a common ancestry. We all know the story of Troy. Brave TÜRKS fending off hoards of disgusting g*yreek n*Rds and succeeding for 10 years, only succumbing to cowardly g*yreek trickery. However, what many don't know is what happened after Troy fell. The Trojan population (modern TÜRKS), were forced to scatter. Many formed other communities and cities is Turkiye, but a large majority made their way to Italy, where they eventually founded the FIRST MED BVLL EMPIRE, ROME. MEDS and descended from TÜRKS. We both share a common ancestry, the blood of the great TROJANS. It would be poetic justice if we could, after thousands of years, finally reunite and take vengeance upon the foul n*Rd beasts.
Reason 2: The n*Rd population is a pest. For thousands of years, the n*Rd beasts have constantly been a thorn in the side of the MED and TÜRK peoples. Disgusting n*Rd subhumans destroyed the PROUD MED BVLL EMPIRE OF ROME while our guard was down, and the once mighty OTTOMAN EMPIRE was weakened and destroyed by foul n*Rd alliances and trickery. The n*Rd race has gone unpunished for FAR too long.
It is time the MED BVLL and the TÜRK KARA BOGA come together to end the accursed n*Rd race once and for all.
Now, I already know I have the support of the MEDS, as this is something we have been wanting for a while now but, admittedly, we cannot do this without the TÜRKS. As a TÜRK you may ask:
>why would I ever form an alliance with a MED?
Well, the answer is quite simple really. I will present two very good reasons why.
REASON 1: TÜRKS and MEDS share a common ancestry. We all know the story of Troy. Brave TÜRKS fending off hoards of disgusting g*yreek n*Rds and succeeding for 10 years, only succumbing to cowardly g*yreek trickery. However, what many don't know is what happened after Troy fell. The Trojan population (modern TÜRKS), were forced to scatter. Many formed other communities and cities is Turkiye, but a large majority made their way to Italy, where they eventually founded the FIRST MED BVLL EMPIRE, ROME. MEDS and descended from TÜRKS. We both share a common ancestry, the blood of the great TROJANS. It would be poetic justice if we could, after thousands of years, finally reunite and take vengeance upon the foul n*Rd beasts.
Reason 2: The n*Rd population is a pest. For thousands of years, the n*Rd beasts have constantly been a thorn in the side of the MED and TÜRK peoples. Disgusting n*Rd subhumans destroyed the PROUD MED BVLL EMPIRE OF ROME while our guard was down, and the once mighty OTTOMAN EMPIRE was weakened and destroyed by foul n*Rd alliances and trickery. The n*Rd race has gone unpunished for FAR too long.
It is time the MED BVLL and the TÜRK KARA BOGA come together to end the accursed n*Rd race once and for all.