>>7583832She was a sprinter, you can tell.
I wish more white women (and men for that matter) would do track when they are young and developing. Getting out there in the sunlight and running and jumping in a competitive way, it shapes the bones and muscles for the rest of your life. My only regret was not doing it more often.
I'm only into oil drilling ironically and I don't have much that I appreciate about blaqs irl, but if you've ever been around them you know that for all their faults they have a drive to go outside and be playful. They aren't made neurotic by autistic ZOG culture that tries to tame people.
Look at Jeff Sied. Not his physique necessarily, Just look at his physiognomy. This is not merely genetic. He did track and wrestling as a kid, he slept well all his life. That shit shows in the robustness of his bone structure. Look at the classic bodybuilders, or just most of the common men from a few generations ago and compare them to how weak looking men are these days. Even if you are in your 20's or 30's, following through on this stuff will improve your life. It's not about hitting the gym or how much you can deadlift, that shit doesn't give you energy or the force of life. Get outside bros, embrace sun and steel.
>>7583846I'm not a fascist and I don't like fascism desu (srs). But the book is legitimately impressive. I even watched his declaration of war on the US, and it pissed me off how objectively correct he was (I was very bluepilled and jingoistic when this happened).