>>7586621The test is quite retarded. The fact that I'd rather receive a gift chosen specially for me by a friend rather than get thrown money does not make me more spiritual. Having high "spirituality" in this test does not mean the material reality is unimportant; I believe both the material one and the immaterial are just as important - as above, so below.
>you're a romanticNo I'm not. Only the biggest fucking Rick and Morty watching brainlets go full rationality thinking "wew I'm so intelligent hurr durr fuck emotions". Again, I do think that following emotions blindly is retarded, and my score is a result of a poorly structured test. Emotions do play a big role in how you think and often change your perspective; emotions are also what chooses what you use your rationality about - without an understanding of your emotions you will never have an understanding of why you think the way you think.
I used to be full "hurr durr RATIONALISM" until I read about Schopenhauer's concept of moral liberty. I'm first and foremost a determinist - and emotions are one of the things that determine how we act.
Also calling me a "romantic" because a test gave me 4.1% more in it is fucking stupid. I'm an absolute centrist on the issue and don't feel a need to try to show how intellectual I am by completely dismissing something as important as emotions in favor of meme "emotions are worthless because they're just substances in your head" full rationalism.