>>7619253The literal only purpose in life is to have children.
What is the only thing anyone seeks in life? Happiness. What does it mean to pursue happiness? They say money can't buy happiness - which is true. Millionaires and billionaires still kill themselves or end up saying they wish they hadn't spent so much time chasing wealth. Consumerism and wealth can absolutely lead to short term happiness, but wealth doesn't matter if you're dead. What came before consumerism and wealth? What was the primal instinct we had before written history? What did every animal want to do? Every animal from the beginning of time has given birth. It is the only instinct every living thing follows other than to just stay alive. Humans are no different. From a purely biological standpoint, something totally built into us is the want and need to have children. That natural instinct is the key to happiness. The only way we can fulfill that painful desire to acquire happiness is to reproduce. Have children and raise a family. There is no doubt in my mind you will end up dying feeling complete.