>>7647582I didn't imply that. I said that it's more tinfoil than anything.
Types like linuxtards always existed. Usually scrawny or fat, nerdy recluse types. Too ugly/weird/greasy to not scare girls so they abandoned the idea of being orbiters and withdrawn from society completely. Usually sympathize with the left but too unsociable to ever seriously participate in anything. Always distrustful so they cling to conspiracy theories, used to say government was spying on them, making theories about who killed Kennedy and crying that tap water is poisoning people.
Linux simply gave them what they always wanted, the ultimate nerd recluse toy. Full tinfoil from "spying", free and with leftie flavor, and lets them feel like superior intellect smarty boys making a "change".
These types will always say there's a conspiracy about something, so people have stopped giving a fuck long ago. Now they're saying Windows is spying on them. It's nothing new.