>>7648088My man just bought one of them ten minutes ago for a grand. He’s driving it now. Hol up. You’re getting a pic. No you’re not he’s a half mile down the (country) estate on the fucker cutting fields horses already chewed, suspiciously close to my beer caravan. The baldy headed cunt. It was cheap as chips @ £1,000 ($1,250) He expected up to 4 g.
I bought a Hoverboard for £350 the other day so he got a good deal I think.
Geez I feel old reading that back. 2015 we were back to the future I’m just lost like Buck Rogers now. Tell me you know who Buck Rogers is, right? Won’t feel bad at weekend when there’s two chicks snorting Charley off my boner at Angels 56 though because yeah I’m nearly 40 but I’ve got all the money so run along and make me coffee. No eye contact though, you might lose your job if I notice you too much.