>>7676072I think it's a combination of many things. auditory of 4chan has changed. the internet has changed. the world has changed too.
4chan has stopped being a place for wasting time and chatting about anime. people who wanted silly fun, cat pictures and other shit went to reddit and other sites. 4chan got people who preferred anonymity and lack of censorship. naturally, this appealed to social outcasts and radicals. new boards like pol and r9k attracted different auditory to a site which used to mostly center on entertainment.
in the meantime the politics and the zeitgeist have taken a drastic turn. the left switched to full "fuck white males" mode. it went on to infiltrate media, entertainment and the internet. the web in general stopped being an anarchy, a secret club for nerds. it got flooded with normies and became a consolidated corporate machine, where censorship, doxing and legal action became more and more real.
all this contributed to 4chan becoming the den of everything anti-normie.