>>7702052I think that /bant/ is very very bad now. It is because of you dummies. There are too many dudes showing me pictures of cartoons that were made for girls. there are also too many guys playing grown up time with other guys. all of the cool guys have left. now we have a bunch of babies who can't make good things. I remember when this image thingy was good and things were cool but now they are not cool. why do dummies have to go into all places and make things dumb. There is not a fun thing in this place at all. Every body here is a poopy head that eats poop. You all pee your pants and are big babies. I want you to think about the bad things that you do and punch yourself in the face. If i could I would hit you with a jump rope but I do not know where you live. If you do not stop acting dumb then I will quit this place forever and you guys will die.