>>7703864you're such an idiot if you believe that. don't they teach you anything at school? hasn't Venezuela taught you anything?
"but rich already have enough! let's just take from these greedy people and give to the poor! it's gonna work, it works every time!"
basically, you're saying it's ok to exploit the "rich". this is the program of every socialist candidate, which without failure results in the same socialist chain reaction:
—taxing businesses which don't support Yang while protecting his donors
—detriment of private economy and middle class
—detriment of production, shortages and skyrocketing prices, leading to price regulation (and even ore shortages)
—shrinking economy makes less jobs, lower wages, and creates more poor people
—ever-increasing taxes to pay for ever-increasing need for welfare
—more and more power to the state which now doesn't really care what people say
—slow descent into what any socialist shithole has come to: authoritarian police state, unlimited power of Yang and his cronies, worse standard of living, deficit of goods and overall decline.
you freedom niggers never learn.