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ID:1OCJblwJ No.770700 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So today I raged. This guy messaged my girlfriend asking for nude pics and I found out and texted him threatening to beat his ass and what not. He never replied that day so I texted him again saying that if he texts my GF again I will break his fingers so he can't do it again. Checked it again today and he texted her something like "wow you never told me you had a boyfriend what the fuck" even though he was talking to her on facebook where we have photos of us and what not on her profile. Then about an hour after I had texted him the don't do it again text he says "Are you sure you don't want pictures?"

I tried calling him from my GFs phone and he said he was in the bathroom. Asked where he lived and he said "I can't just have people over yo" So I asked him if he was a fucking child(he's 24 btw). Anyways I said I was going to fight him and he said he wouldn't and he blocked her on facbeook.
