[9 / 1 / ?]
>be me
>16 year old virginanon
>excited to go to a party with two best friends
>mfw party gets cancelled due to our emu overlords
>parents are having a party and offer us free beer if we help out
>mfw time to get fuckity uppity
>absolutely plastered.jpeg
>get a call from femanon
>mfw omfg real girls!
>her friend really wants to see us
>meet at park at midnight
>start kissing her friend who is very sexually experienced so things could go further
>literally blackout at this point
>fall over
>get back up with pants around ankles
>things are going well
>ask if she wants to do the sex
>pencil in sharpener
>watched heaps of porn and am super drunk so i get cocky and start slapping her and choking her
>mfw she actually likes it
>see ya later virginios
>still in the middle of a park at night, i look up and see me my mate fucking a girl in a tree like a god damn bareback gorilla
>smile cause things are good
>she wants to go on top
>let her cause she’s more experienced
>doesn’t fit
>doesn’t fit
>still doesn’t fit
>being little uncircumcised virginanon i think it might just hurt for your first time
>it goes in
>her friend comes over with a flashlight, too drunk to notice her
>look down and see pool of blood
>ask if she’s on her period - she’s not
>looks like someone emptied tomato soup all over my lower body
>foreskin ripped and peepee firing blood like a machine gun
>she runs away - don’t blame her
>i run away
>have 30 minute shower and see an utter river of blood on shower floor
>wake up next morning with blood stains on sheets
>mum thinks i vomited - we’re gonna keep it that way
>mfw i lost my virginity in the middle of the night in a park and bled everywhere
tl;dr: got really drunk and lost my virginity at night in the middle of a park and broke my dick
>16 year old virginanon
>excited to go to a party with two best friends
>mfw party gets cancelled due to our emu overlords
>parents are having a party and offer us free beer if we help out
>mfw time to get fuckity uppity
>absolutely plastered.jpeg
>get a call from femanon
>mfw omfg real girls!
>her friend really wants to see us
>meet at park at midnight
>start kissing her friend who is very sexually experienced so things could go further
>literally blackout at this point
>fall over
>get back up with pants around ankles
>things are going well
>ask if she wants to do the sex
>pencil in sharpener
>watched heaps of porn and am super drunk so i get cocky and start slapping her and choking her
>mfw she actually likes it
>see ya later virginios
>still in the middle of a park at night, i look up and see me my mate fucking a girl in a tree like a god damn bareback gorilla
>smile cause things are good
>she wants to go on top
>let her cause she’s more experienced
>doesn’t fit
>doesn’t fit
>still doesn’t fit
>being little uncircumcised virginanon i think it might just hurt for your first time
>it goes in
>her friend comes over with a flashlight, too drunk to notice her
>look down and see pool of blood
>ask if she’s on her period - she’s not
>looks like someone emptied tomato soup all over my lower body
>foreskin ripped and peepee firing blood like a machine gun
>she runs away - don’t blame her
>i run away
>have 30 minute shower and see an utter river of blood on shower floor
>wake up next morning with blood stains on sheets
>mum thinks i vomited - we’re gonna keep it that way
>mfw i lost my virginity in the middle of the night in a park and bled everywhere
tl;dr: got really drunk and lost my virginity at night in the middle of a park and broke my dick