[12 / 10 / ?]
>be mutt
>get dick chopped
>get poor because my education system is a scam and 1 year of uni costs $30000
>have plus $ of international debt
>have a cuck president who can’t even build a fucking wall
>still spend 20% of GDP on Israel for fucking nothing
>next president could be a commie chink who probably sink even deeper the economy
>forced to bake gay cakes
>get robbed by niggers
>get shot by a cop
>die of diabetes because obamacare
>get dick chopped
>get poor because my education system is a scam and 1 year of uni costs $30000
>have plus $ of international debt
>have a cuck president who can’t even build a fucking wall
>still spend 20% of GDP on Israel for fucking nothing
>next president could be a commie chink who probably sink even deeper the economy
>forced to bake gay cakes
>get robbed by niggers
>get shot by a cop
>die of diabetes because obamacare