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ID:9eU7zz/B No.7744695 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have one to three of these fuckers running around sometimes on the floor of my bathroom when I go there, and squash them there and then if they're out again.
It's just that I imagine the remaining ones be like:
>Today yet another few of our brave brethren have fallen victims under the feet of the unstoppable giant living in these lands and, upon coming, bringing us death and destruction.
>While it's dark and peaceful outside, some of us carelessly wander out of the safety of our nests and the dome that protects us (the bathtub), fogetting about the threat of the colossus coming back.
>And then it comes, always so suddenly, bringing bright light from the heavens with it, blinding us, confusing us, bringins us to shock and awe with its mere presence, and then stomping us mercilessly, crushing us with its unfathomable might.
>And then it just leaves, as suddenly and quickly as it comes, almost always taking the lives of everyone who were outside at the moment of its advent, the light disappearing as the giant goes away, and the comfort and safety of darkness returning again, but with fear for the might of the giant still lingering inside us.
>Let us pray for yet another few souls fallen prey to the giant because of their own obliviousness, and always remember - when the light comes, don't stay in one place, and run as fast as you can towards the safety of the dome, or you too wil be slain by the giant.
Fuckers running too fast sometimes. Someday I'll get a trap for them, it's just that they don't bother me much, and it's ok if one manages to run off, it's when there are two or three of these is when it's getting uncomfortable.