Since the thread is already full of meme answers i thought i'd give something accurate. I know this is a shitposting site, but ok, just thought i'd say it
There is much resistance against the multicultural idea that has been in many germans mind for the last years. You can see a very clear shift in political alignment, since there are elections currently in germany. Leftist parties such as the greens, the left and the SPD are losing more and more ground, since the Left and greens were always about 12 - 15%, but, even in states such as Nordrhein Westfalen which is very left leaning and has the majority of germanys population, the left is currently struggling with 5 - 10% and the greens are still on 4 - 5%, so they might not even get into the Bundestags (FINALLY). Other more right wing parties such as AFD, which is basically /pol/s wet dream and the FDP, who both used to be meme parties, now have quite some ground, with estimates placing them around 10 - 14%, so serious candidates for a coalition and definitely in the Bundestag. Merkels conservative CDU is almost 100% gonna win the election, but this might not be so bad, which leads me to my next point.
Merkel and her party have done a complete 180° since the beginning of the election, probably from pressure of the public and the rising AFD and SPD. Just recently Merkel has publicly admitted that the open borders were a mistake and has vowed that such a large refugee influx will never happen with her again. Adding to that, her party has published a 16 point program to combat the refugees that are already here, with a focus on mass deportations, she has made several deals with african countries to take coming refugees, and she has passed a law that severly restricts the movement of refugees and which speeds up the deportation process. The minister of interior has also recently published a "Deutsche Leitkultur", which is a document which translates to "German leading Culture", which highlights basics of german culture