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Meme War: Operation Censor Dawn

ID:j/GvvX+t No.7751264 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Before he could aid the Kiwis of New Zealand, Tarrant's Great Replacement was discovered by (((them))).
Tarrant had no where to run until he learned about a shelter from normal fags on an island called Alcatraz.

It was a rough a swim during a dark night; but, Tarrant managed to reach his destination. When he first walked onto the beach, all he could think was how the place looked abandoned for 30 years, just like Kathy Griffin's cunt.

A mystery man welcomed Tarrant into their shelter, he was wearing a one star rank insignia. He explained to Tarrant his beliefs and they connected in an instant.

Tarrant made many new frens, he could hardly believe how many rare pepes could be in one spot.

Without warning, the island started taking Naval gunfire. It lasted for 3 days, but all that happened was a lad named Murdoch got a bloody nose.

Everyone went to their posts, offering Tarrant supplies and rations. He stood next to his new allies waiting for (((them))) to storm their hideout, nick named Europa.

Outside the Rock, /r/The_Donald betrayed his oldtime allies Murdoch Murdoch. In a bid for hacked nudes of Murdoch Chan, he willingly gave information about how to enter the Rock.

Watchpeopledie, Gore, Offensive Memes, Pewdiepie_Submissions, and so so many more...

The following is ACTUAL battle footage of Operation Censor Dawn.



Mirror 2:


At the end of the battle, Tarrant set sail for New Zealand by himself.

When asked why he didn't want the help of the meme veterans, including the rare pepes, he simply replied:

"Memes are remembered, but Shitlords never die. Follow your heart lads, and you'll never go wrong".

He smiled, and then sailed off into the sunset listening to the dankest of music in the best of timelines.